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Mandy Baucum
TFH Instructor
Jun 15, 2023
In Our Goal Statements
This morning I balanced myself for this one:
I am supernatural at using honesty, boundaries and great communication to guide my clients to powerfully effective sessions that reach both our goals for health and personal growth.
Pus: I don't see people's lack of growth...I see opportunities.
When I struggle to know how to work with clients who are perplex me I start to get judgy. Everyone has a different pace when it comes to personal growth (health) and I want to respect that, but I want to have rewarding sessions too! I am learning that its always about me learning how to navigate different personalities and speak up sooner, and have/develop great question-asking skills when things feel off. Also, I just thought of this: I could muscle test for which of these is the priority when I am confused: Do I need to develop a skill here? Do I need to develop more understanding? Do I need to speak up? Do I need to let it go right now?
Mandy Baucum
TFH Instructor
Dec 03, 2022
In Our Goal Statements
I just balanced myself for the following goal statement: I believe that steady & stable financial abundance exists for me. My attractor value before the balance was 925. My primary emotion was integrity (found in governing meridian). I was over energy in Lung meridian (no others). I was under energy in Large Intestine and Kidney...I didn't check any other meridians for under energy. To correct the imbalance I was told by my body to sedate lung, energize Kidney meridian and correct Luo points for Large Intestine. What I found interesting about this balance: The emotion being "integrity" was a little confusing because I wasn't really sure what to make of it. (I have a fancy expanded version of the emotion chart that helps me when I want to get more granular when needed). But yet it also felt accurate. It made me think of my clients and how financial instability sometimes makes me want things to happen (like them staying and working with me longer) when that isn't necessarily the best thing for them (or me). So it affects my integrity in that way. But I also felt like the word integrity meant "essential" or "necessary." Then I looked up the word in the dictionary and one of the definitions was: "the state of being whole and undivided." Oh. My. Goodness. that description felt so so so right!!!! Of course I want to feel whole in the area of financial stability...and historically it has been the place where I feel the absolute least whole in my life. And before the balance, when I was "feeling into" this area and pulling up all the emotions, I struggled to actually find the words to articulate what I wanted, because I mostly just visualized broken wavy lines and for my goal statement I just wanted to write "smooth out the broken lines!" 🤣So with my balance today, I feel like I restored the integrity of those broken wavy lines and now my financial destiny is wholeness!! That feels pretty darn good. I also thought it was really cool that I was so close to being at an attractor value of 1,000!!! (Very recently we did a group balance about respect and wealth and I am pretty sure that helped me be so close to my goal already!!). I spent a lot of time before this balance recalling the history of my financial instability - it was like I needed to bring it up, acknowledge it, see it for what it was, and grieve it once again to be able to move forward. Thank you Zenbrio School for this cool forum and opportunity to share my experience with everyone. Many blessings to you all!!
Mandy Baucum
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